Your privacy matters. That’s why we want to be transparent on how we work with your personal data. Whenever we say we, we mean Reckon BV. We’re a company based in Belgium. Yes, we’re located in the EU. So we strictly follow the GDPR.  

Why do we use your personal data?
There are 2 reasons why we need your personal data: to help you with your diagnosis, treatment and/or follow-up for further research on the treatment of vestibular disorders The first one is obvious. We need to store your medical data to be able to help you. Also, we need more research if we want to have a better understanding of vestibular disorders and how to better diagnose and treat them. Your personal data can help us doing that. By analyzing the data from all patients we can determine whether there are better treatment cycles, if there’s a link with other conditions, etc.

What personal data do we use?
SOS Vertigo uses 2 main types of personal data: identifying data and medical data.The identifying data we use are your first name, last name, age, sex and email address.  We receive these data directly from you.SOS Vertigo also data on your vestibular and other relevant medical conditions, such as your symptoms, medication, triggers, etc.

Do we share some of your personal data with 3rd parties?
We share data with researchers and our technology providers. Right now we’re working with the University of Antwerp. They have been studying vestibular disorders for many years. The more data they can study, the better their research will be. So we may share your medical data with them. But we will never disclose your name to them, researchers have no need to know who you are. We use a number of technologies to make SOS Vertigo work, for example to host the app and to keep track of issues that have been reported by patients. Some of your personal data may be stored on our suppliers’ systems. But we have contracts in place requiring them to not use your data, keep them secure and keep them confidential. Although we do share your personal data, we don’t share them with people outside the European Union.

How long do we keep your personal data?
We don’t keep your personal data forever. But we still need to keep your personal data even after you last used SOS Vertigo. Belgian law requires us to keep it 10 years after your last treatment.

Full transparency
Our privacy officer can provide you a copy of your personal data we use. You can contact him at If you notice that some of your personal data are incorrect, let us know and we’ll modify them. We’ll even delete or (temporarily) stop using your personal data in certain cases. But we’ll need you to explain to us why, as there may be reasons why we still need them. If you still have questions after reading this page, don’t hesitate to contact our privacy officer. You can also contact our privacy officer if you have any complaints on how we’ve used your personal data. He’ll try to resolve your concern if he can. Know that our privacy officer isn’t your only point of contact for complaints. You can always talk to the supervisory authority for data protection in your country. You can find a list of all EU supervisory authorities here.